Cleanups are back, with a twist! For World Oceans Day on June 8th we are inviting people all over the world to do a solo cleanup. Let’s become united in our isolation while helping the planet!
What is a solo cleanup?
The past few months have been quite tough for a lot of us. Stuck at home, away from nature and disconnected from our communities. During the past few months our usual beach cleanups around the world have been put on pause. Health comes first and in the meantime we have been finding other ways to focus on environmental education.
Now that quarantine is easing in many countries we feel it is appropriate to bring cleanups back with a COVID-friendly twist. Let’s go solo! Solo cleanups are a great way to get out of the house, enjoy the sunshine and give back to our environment and local community. In December 2019, our co-founder Emma did one cleanup every day plenty of which were solo cleanups.
Read: What I Learned from 31 Days of Cleaning Beaches
We want to encourage people around the world to take the initiative and responsibility to cleanup their local park / street / beach / river on their own or in a small safe group. We will all be united in our solo efforts across the globe.
How do you get involved?
The magic of a solo cleanup is that it’s super easy to do and has none of the pressures involved in leading a cleanup group. All you need is some gloves, a bag and a mask.
You can clean wherever you like. If there is a beach, lake or river nearby you can more directly stop the amount of trash ending up in our oceans. However, streets, fields or parking lots are all welcome too!
We believe that the greatest power of cleanups is that of starting conversations and spreading awareness. Before your cleanup please spread the word and invite your friends and family to do the same and connect on social media / zoom!
While you’re cleaning up take some pictures and tell people you meet about what you’re doing. You can even bring some spare gloves / bags to give to people who want to do the same. Please connect with us on Instagram or Facebook to spread the awareness and get this trending as a global project.
After your cleanup we would really love for you to weigh your trash if possible. We are trying to collect data from across the world and having numerical data is a great way to show the impact of these types of projects. We would be so grateful if you could weigh your trash and let us know the information.
Please try and dispose of your cleanup waste responsibly. If you’re in Canggu, Bali join our community newsletter and we will send you some options for your waste. We have just opened a recycling centre in Canggu and would like to recycle the waste if possible.
For your own safety please:
- Wear gloves (reusable / thick gloves are better)
- Wear a mask – at all times
- Practice social distancing
- Wash your hands thoroughly afterwards
- Dispose of trash properly recycling what you can
- Follow the rules and guidelines of your country
- Stay positive and have fun!
What is World Oceans Day?
World Oceans Day is a big day in our calendar! It’s a day to celebrate our blue planet. It happens every year on June 8th.
For 2020 World Oceans Day is growing the global movement to call on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. This critical need is called 30×30. By safeguarding at least 30% of our ocean through a network of highly protected areas we can help ensure a healthy home for all!
Sign the petition here.
Our planet’s waterways and environment are overflowing with litter, especially plastic. Commit today to safely and individually do a solo cleanup to give back to your neighbourhood!
To celebrate World Oceans Day clean up on Monday June 8th or the weekend before. If you have any questions please get in touch. You can also join our cleanup leaders group for advice or if you’re interested in leading groups in the future.