Surprising Bobtail Squid Facts!

Did you know that bobtail squid have recently made it up into space? Well they have! In fact 128 baby bobtail squids were welcomed to the international space centre this…

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Marine Ecologist Alexa

Alexa is a marine ecologist, scientific communicator and educator based in Florida. She uses her scientific background to share stories of marine species, ecosystems, research, and conservation efforts. Her aim…

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Ocean Advocate Loreto

Loreto is a passionate ocean advocate. From her work as a marine biologist to her gorgeous illustrations of sea creatures, she strives to protect marine wildlife and raise awareness of…

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Top Tips for Underwater Cleanups

Traditionally we talk a lot about beach cleanups here at Ocean Mimic. However, it can be just as important to do underwater cleanups too! Divers are often passionate advocates for…

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What Is Ocean Acidification?

Our oceans are struggling to survive with a never-ending task load, acting as the largest natural carbon sink on Earth. Ocean acidification is the cost of this carbon absorption, as…

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Dive Instructor Georgina Swain

Currently based on Gili T, Georgina is a dive instructor passionate about showing people the beauty of the underwater world and advocating for its protection. Having started as a dive…

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